The Supreme Court issued rulings today in both the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) and the CMS Interim Final Rule (IFR) vaccine mandates.
Recent Posts
Supreme Court Blocks Vaccinate-or-Test Mandate, Allows Healthcare Worker Mandate
Argentum Presses Biden for Tests, Booster Help, and Financial Relief
Argentum sent a letter to President Biden and HHS Secretary Becerra today, imploring the administration to directly supply senior living facilities with COVID-19 testing supplies, resuming a federal program for vaccine and booster administration, and reiterating the need for targeted federal financial relief.
Topics: Funding, Vaccine, Biden Administration, Tests
PRESS RELEASE: Response to Phase 4 Provider Relief Funding
Argentum issued the following press release in response to yesterday's announcement by HHS and HRSA on the Phase 4 Provider Relief Fund allocations.
Argentum Calls Out Biden Administration for Indefensibly Low COVID Relief Payments for Senior Living Caregivers
One day after HHS/HRSA said it is releasing $9 billion in Provider Relief Funds, a closer look at the methodology used to determine payments for assisted living providers is severely lacking.
Topics: Funding, Standing With Seniors, Biden Administration
Later this week, HHS and HRSA are expected to begin distributing approximately $9 billion from the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) to eligible health care providers. These funds are part of the $17 billion allocated in Phase 4 of the PRF, which was made possible in part due to Argentum's advocacy efforts to save the PRF from a near-certain elimination and then to release the funds to providers.
Topics: Funding, Standing With Seniors, Biden Administration
Attention Argentum Advocates: Mark your calendars for this coming March 7-9 for the annual Argentum Public Policy Institute. This event is the premier senior living advocacy event in the nation, bringing together key policymakers from Capitol Hill and the White House and offering you a chance to guide the future of senior living. It will be held in-person for the first time since 2019!
Topics: PPI
Sign the Petition: Don't Leave Senior Living Behind
As part of Argentum's ongoing "Don't Leave Assisted Living Behind, Again" campaign, this week we began circulating a petition that we will share with the Biden Administration, demonstrating the broad grassroots support for prioritizing relief and support to senior living providers.
Topics: Funding, Standing With Seniors, Biden Administration
Distribution of Provider Relief Begins, Feds Seek to Reinstate Vaccine Mandate
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) began distributing the $7.5 billion in rural relief from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) today, and indicated that they anticipate making payments from Phase 4 of the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) in December and continue through January 2022.
Topics: Funding, Vaccine, Standing With Seniors, Biden Administration, OSHA
Houses Passes BBB, Argentum Seeks Changes in Senate
The House of Representatives voted 220-213 this morning to pass H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act (reconciliation/human infrastructure). The bill will next be considered by the Senate, where it is expected to undergo significant revisions to garner the support of all 50 Democratic senators needed for passage, which would then be sent back to the House to consider the revised bill.
Topics: Standing With Seniors, Infrastructure
After passing the bipartisan infrastructure package late last Friday and sending to President Biden for his consideration, the House signaled that it plans to pass its version of the Build Back Better act (reconciliation/human infrastructure) potentially as soon as the week of November 15.
Topics: Standing With Seniors
As part of the Don’t Leave Assisted Living Behind, Again campaign, Argentum sent a follow-up letter to President Biden yesterday, reiterating the concerns of senior living providers and calling on the administration to prioritize the Phase 4 provider relief methodology for assisted living, along with our requests for vaccine/testing support and inclusion in the Build Back Better plan.
Topics: Funding, Standing With Seniors, Biden Administration